

  1. トップ
  2. 研究実績
  3. 研究実績一覧
  4. Immune-Endocrine Activities of Green Barley Leaf Extract (BLE) : Regulation of Prolactin and Interleukin-2 release in Vitro(大麦若葉エキス(BLE)の免疫分泌特性:in vitroにおけるプロラクチン及びインターロイキン2の分泌調節
大麦若葉 免疫機能作用

Immune-Endocrine Activities of Green Barley Leaf Extract (BLE) : Regulation of Prolactin and Interleukin-2 release in Vitro(大麦若葉エキス(BLE)の免疫分泌特性:in vitroにおけるプロラクチン及びインターロイキン2の分泌調節

「FASEB Meeting(1991)」


Mahnaz Badamchian 1)、Paul H.Naylor 1)、Bryan L.Spangelo 2)、Allan L.Goldstein 1)
M.Patricia Strickler、M.Jude Stone 3)Yoshihide Hagiwara、Hideaki Hagiwara 4)
1)Department of Biochemistry Molecular Biology,The George Washington University School of Medicine Health Science
2)Department of Medicine University of Virginia
3)Waters Chromatography
4)Hagiwara Institute of Health